Jared N. Schwartz work has included many years in CMO roles for global leaders in Pathology, transforming the cultures to a solution based environment that drove enterprises into new markets and to the #1 position in market share against competitors. Through his services with the College of American Pathologists (CAP), as President and dedication to the governing board for 13 years, he developed strong understanding of best practices. Proud to be sought after for advice, he has given 1000+ lectures and media interviews on Live National Cable, National Network interviews, and CNN, on Infectious Disease issues including Influenza, SARS, Monkey pox outbreak. He have also testified before Congress on SARS, the White House on laboratory quality issues, and was appointed by the secretary of HHS to the clinical lab improvement advisory committee (CLIAC), an esteemed group who serve as advisors to the FDA, CMS, and CDC in setting national laboratory testing and quality standards.